Customer Testimonials

Every conference needs decent coffee and what better way to lure the crowds than by offering delegates fresh barista made coffee from your stand. We use Brisbane Coffee Catering for all of our exhibition and event requirements in QLD and the feedback each and every time is positive. Andy and his team are an absolute pleasure to deal with and their enthusiasm, fantastic service and delicious coffee are just some of the reasons I continue to use Brisbane Coffee Catering. I would highly recommend their services for any event.Claire Thomas, Sponsorship and Events Manager


Always great to see a smiling Barista.
Thanks again for getting our coffee needs up and going on such short notice it certainly was a blessing. Will be recommending this great service to all our neighbours here in Eagle Farm.
All the best.
Joseph Russo


Professional, “great coffee” and friendly service! What more could you ask for…
Paul Stokell
DirectorDriving Events


Hey Andy,

Thanks for another great day at the track. If you have any problems with the invoice or anything, give me a yell and I’ll chase up the Sydney crew.  Otherwise, thanks again for taking care of us all yesterday – it always makes a big difference to have a quality barista when the guests really love there coffee!

Amy Neilson

Group Marketing & Event Coordinator

EuroMarque Ferrari
EuroMarque Maserati

Hey hey Andy,

Yes I concur, it was lovely working with you – you fit right in with our way of doing things, we’re pretty relaxed. So it was a delight to see our new concept fulfilled by such a compatible supplier. Everyone raved about your coffee and your friendly manner. I’m still totally exhausted but on the way to feeling human again.


Marketing & Event Coordinator

Vincent Chartered Accountants

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